For the well-being of children.
Musical awakening at home
Musical awakening with
From time immemorial the awakening of the child to sounds and
music passes first through the parents. Already during pregnancy
the child is sensitive to music and songs, especially when these
are produced by the parents who thus enter into symbiosis with
After the birth, the mother can and should as much as possible
maintain this contact of sweetness and nurturing complicity.
Very early in the life of the young child the instructions and
the codes of socialization arrive, the child no longer has this
unique and unconditional feeling of complicity.
Parents who do not know music often ask themselves «how to do
it? I am not a musician»!
Often parents do not realize everything they know! They think it
is necessary to know where the complicity and some easy games
help to develop the musicality of the children and the joy of
the parents.
Here are some ideas
Sing nursery rhymes and songs with your child. They are
available everywhere on the web and in audio media for sale in
department stores, but be careful, learn them first and sing
them yourself to your child. He will gain confidence, serenity
and will feel concerned by this learning which will be a game
for him.
For very young children
Put on one of her favorite songs, a fairly rhythmic music if
possible and give her a sound massage, taking her hands, feet,
shoulders… indicate small rhythms of sound in the form of light
friction more or less fast or slow, small caresses very soft
while making different figures on the hands: circles, comings
and goings, dotted... He will then make the relation «rhythm -
body» and «body melody»: he will gain later by knowing that the
rhythm is different from the melody and it will be anchored in
For 2/3 year old children:
Learn a dance together by giving very simple instructions at the
beginning, all by striking rhythms with feet and hands, by
moving on one side or the other, the child will become aware of
the space and the sound differences between the sounds and the
rhythms struck. It will develop its sensory and sound acuity.
The magic wire
Put a visible wire on the floor and walk your child by following
the wire and listening to music in which the times are well
marked. As the sessions take place, your child will become more
and more autonomous. Your child will develop his or her
attention and concentration and become aware of his or her
instinctive grounding.
Parents often make musical awakening to their children without
knowing it, becoming aware of their own musical qualities and
passing them on to their children is an additional guaranteeto
the success of your workshops at home!